How I solved the long-anticipated edit tweet features on Twitter

Godwin Chris, (a top social media) influencer on Twitter has over 5 million active followers, Chris talks about digital marketing and business startup which he uses his tweets as means of educating his followers about the importance of digital marketing in today’s business strategy.
One day it Chris decided to run an online programme to help his followers gain more knowledge on business strategy and digital marketing, so he decide to use the social media platform which he has influence and most followers to announce the programme, Guess what, within 5 minutes of tweeting about the programme he already got over 800,000.00 likes and more than 30,000 comments of people indicating interest about the programme.
Something strange happened, Chris notice in the tweet was he has added the wrong date and time about the programme, on realising this, the tweet has already gotten more than 1.5 million likes and over 500 comments. Should I delete this tweet and repost another one with the right details since there is no edit tweet features on Twitter this was is thought, Chris has been thinking ever since he made that tweet and the tweet was already in motion going viral. And Chris yelled at the top of his voice WHY CANT TWITTER JUST ADD AN EDIT TWEET BUTTON function, it is that hard.
In helping Twitter to solve this challenge for Chris and many other Twitter users. I decide to come up with a UX design method to not only add the function but to also let users know in a subtle way that this features now exists.
UX Decision Making
- I decide to use the current functions and styling Twitter has in order not to create a new behaviour change that can be turn off for users.
- I added a label on the close to the edit function (which is a subtle way of expressing the newly added function)
- Below is what I came up with – done with Adobe XD (within 1 hours of thinking and executing)Tell me what you think?